Case Studies
The CFOs of these companies felt powerless to contain employee healthcare costs. Pearl Logic helped them reclaim their control and lower this massive line item by 30%–70%. And, their employees got access to higher quality care and superior outcomes.
It doesn’t matter what industry or region of the country you’re in. If you have 50 or more full-time, w2 employees enrolled in the current healthcare plan, Pearl Logic can help you stop the overspending!
Could you be the next success story?
Click the images to read each case study.
Auto Dealer Group
Saved over $730,000
Saved over $3.7 million
Credit Union
Saved over $470,000
Saved over $5.5 million
Saved over $360,000
Multi-State Auto Dealer
Saved over $4.3 million
Multi-State Captive
Saved over $258 million
National IT Staffing
Saved over $3.4 million
Restaurant–Fast Food
Saved over $3.1 million
What would you do with your new net margin?
You’ve been tricked into overspending on employee healthcare costs. But you can regain control and save thousands. We’ll show you how.
One of our biggest regrets is that we did not find Pearl Logic sooner.